zondag 16 augustus 2009

Dutch Text Interpretation Aid 2

The software tool, called Dutch Text Interpretation Aid, is now linked to an electronic dictionary.

Any text can be pasted into the text pane. The tool will analyze the words in the text and check whether a lemma can be found. If a lemma could be found, information about the lemma is looked up in the electronic dictionary. If a dictionary entry was found, the word is underlined in green. If a lemma was found but no dictionary entry, the word is underlined orange.

While hovering the mouse over the text, the text field at the bottom displays information about the word under the mouse pointer, i.e. lemma and dictionary information.

Currently, only the Dutch verb lemmatizer is used for lemmatisation. As you can see few verbs have already a dictionary entry. So a lot of work is still to be done.

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